-> Building the Web3 Knowledge Continuum

LYS labs is building cutting-edge technology to solve the most complex data challenges in Web3.
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LYS is tackling the end-to-end challenges in the Web3 data landscape

AI and Big computation are growing by the second. LYS Labs leverages the most advanced data pipelines, ontology builders and KG-RAGs to bring efficiency and meaning to Web3 data.Our intelligent data pipeline begins with big data, ultimately building wisdom.

Big Data

Raw Blockchain Data

Raw blockchain data is collected via a mesh of nodes across multiple chains such as EVM and Solana.

Structured Data

Structuring Big Data

Data begins the structuring process via decoding. Applying ontologies provides structure and context, thus making the data contextual. KG-RAGs provide users with even deeper meaning for their data sets.

Meaningful Data

Graph Databases

LYS leverages the most advanced native graph databases that are able to process billions of nodes and edges.

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Our team of experts is bringing together decades of experience in Web3 AI. 

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Patents & Awards in developing AI algorithms

World-leading experts in data science

Proven track record in Web3 since 2014.

The most advanced data pipelines on EVM and SOL

Under 100ms to store, decode and process the transaction event logs and traces since finding a new block. EVM-compatible, can support new chains within days.

Ontology Builder

LYS Sandbox comes equipped with custom ontologies. The ontology builder allows users to insert their own ontologies and customize data for their specific domain. It is the easiest place for AI developers to come and obtain relevant data sets for training their models.

Powerful native graph databases

LYS Sandbox leverages the most advanced native graph databases in the worls, which unlike SQL can process billions of nodes and edges in near real-time. LYS knowledge graphs can process both on-chain and off-chain data and can provide profound context from intricate relationships using KG-RAGs

Cutting-edge data, built to accelerate your use case.

Training AI Models

AI model builders need efficient and relevant datasets to train their models. LYS Sandbox provides developers with the most proven technology in model optimization - real time data, ontologies and knowledge graphs

Building Advanced DeFi Applications

  • Intelligent liquidity provision
  • Smart yield optimization
  • Predictive on-chain events (airdrops, etc)

Market Intelligence & Tracking

  • AI-powered price predictions
  • Predicting market movements via sentiment analysis
  • Automated trading strategies

Proactive Security & Risk Mitigation

  • AI-powered real-time monitoring
  • Anomaly detection

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